Through Engage Dandaragan, you are invited to participate in a range of Shire projects and initiatives. Your feedback will help shape your community and the provision of programs, projects and facilities. Through this online engagement portal you can:

  • Review projects currently open for feedback. Simply click the project tile. To participate and receive project updates you are encouraged to register.
  • Stay informed about projects and initiatives happening across the Shire of Dandaragan.

Do you have a question about Engage Dandaragan?

Contact the Shire on (08) 9652 0800 and ask to speak to our Manager Customer and Community Services, or email us at  If your question relates to a specific project, please contact the person detailed under 'Who's Listening' on the project page.

Do you want to find out about the Shire’s approach to community engagement activities?

Read our Community Engagement Plan.

Have your say

Community Development Plan

The Shire of Dandaragan is reviewing its community development plans, setting the course for the next five years.
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Expression of Interest - Dandaragan Recreation Precinct Working Group

EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST NOW OPEN FOR DANDARAGAN RECREATION PRECINCT WORKING GROUP In October 2024, Shire of Dandaragan Council endorsed the nominations for the Dandaragan Recreation Precinct Working Group to be advertised. The objectives of the Working Group are to provide advice and recommendation to Council on the design development and implemen...
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Jurien Sport and Recreation Precinct Plan

The Jurien Bay Recreation Precinct is situated on Bashford Street and 19th Avenue in the north-eastern part of Jurien Bay and offers a range of sporting facilities for use by clubs, schools and the community. The facility currently caters for a wide range of ball sports, social amenities, clubs, and overnight camping (overflow). The first Master Pl...
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Past Consultations

Notice of public advertisement of planning proposal - nature based park campground

To develop a nature based park campground on the subject property to provide opportunities for cultural tours, agritourism and Aboriginal storytelling and astrology.
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Cervantes Niche Memorial Cemetery Concept Designs for Tranquilo Park

The Shire has engaged UDLA to draft concept designs for the construction of a niche memorial cemetery to the south-west of the established parklands within Tranquilo Park, Cervantes.
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Notice of Public Advertisement of Planning Proposal - Lobster Shack Refurbishments

Notice is hereby given that the Shire of Dandaragan has received a development application from Design Theory to develop land for the following purpose and public comments are invited.
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Planning Proposal - Sandpiper Bar and Grill

The Shire of Dandaragan has received a development application from the Sandpiper Bar and Grill to develop land for the following purpose and public comments are invited.
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The Shires of Coorow, Dandaragan and Gingin are working together to develop a Masterplan for the recreation track use of the coast on the public land under their management.
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