Jurien Sport and Recreation Precinct Plan

Project Overview

The Jurien Bay Recreation Precinct is situated on Bashford Street and 19th Avenue in the north-eastern part of Jurien Bay and offers a range of sporting facilities for use by clubs, schools and the community. The facility currently caters for a wide range of ball sports, social amenities, clubs, and overnight camping (overflow).

The first Master Plan for the Jurien Bay Recreation Precinct was created in 1971 however the built form of the site has departed from this design responding to community requirements and demand for facilities over the years.The Shire of Dandaragan Sport and Recreation Plan 2022 and subsequent Implementation Plan identified the master planning of the precinct as a high priority along with the Shire’s other townsite recreation precincts. The aim of this project is to provide a long-term vision for the Recreation Precinct, identifying what the site should look like and how it should function into the future and explore opportunities for collocation in any facility redevelopment projects. The master plan takes a medium-long view and guides future sports and active recreation infrastructure development and investment both by Council and the clubs through grant applications or club capital investments.

The Jurien Bay Recreation Reserve is located on Bashford Street, Jurien Bay approximately 1km from the town centre. There are currently four primary buildings on the site and a number of secondary outbuildings and storage sheds which support club activities.  

The most significant asset is the Jurien Sport and Recreation Centre which provides facilities for a number of indoor court sports and winter sports which utilise the main oval. This facility has a high level of utilisation but due to it’s ad hoc construction over the town’s history, a number of sections of the building are in need of renewal.  

The Jurien Bowling Club and Jurien Bay Country Golf Club have also independently developed significant clubhouse assets to meet the needs of their memberships. While currently in structurally sound condition, there has been unresolved discussion in the community about opportunities for co-location and development of a larger multi-function centre that can provide clubhouse facilities for multiple clubs under the banner of a consolidated sporting club or association.

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