Planning Proposal - Sandpiper Bar and Grill

Project Overview

Notice is hereby given that the Shire of Dandaragan has received a development application from the Sandpiper Bar and Grill to develop land for the following purpose and public comments are invited.

Property - Sandpiper Street Road Reserve, Jurien Bay

Proposal - To develop an outdoor eating facility (alfresco dining) as an extension of the existing restaurant on Lot 672 (No.12) Roberts Street, Jurien Bay.

Details of the proposal are available to the public at the Shire Administration Centre, 69 Bashford Street, Jurien Bay or are available for download.

Submissions may be made on the proposal and lodged with the Shire of Dandaragan Jurien Bay Administration Centre or by 4.00pm Wednesday 6 March 2024.

Should you require any clarification on this matter, please contact the Shire's Principal Planning & Building Officer on 9652 0800 or