The Shire has engaged UDLA to draft concept designs for the construction of a niche memorial cemetery to the south-west of the established parklands within Tranquilo Park, Cervantes.
This was a result of notification in November from the Department of Planning, Lands & Heritage that the purpose of 'cemetery' had be added to the existing reserve purposes for Tranquilo Park, following notification in July that the community's first preferred cemetery site near the corner of Cervantes Rd and Hansen Bay Rd was under investigation for inclusion within the land package of the South West Native Title Settlement.
Community submissions on design preference are now invited on the six concept designs for the Tranquilo Park site as outlined in the attached document.
Submissions must be lodged with the Shire of Dandaragan Jurien Bay Administration Centre or by 4.00pm Friday, 12 April 2024.
Should you require any clarification on this matter please contact Rory Mackay, Principal Planning & Building Officer by phoning (08) 9652 0800 or by emailing